It's time to sing again and feel good in your VOICE.

A mini course for the singer who is ready to feel confidant, free and reconnected to their love of song.



Does this sound like you?


➔ You love the idea of singing regularly *again*, being in a routine and feeling awesome in your voice. 


➔ Feeling creatively fulfilled, expressing yourself with wild abandon, and oozing with confidence. 


But here's the problem....


You feel blocked in your voice.


If you're like most singers who have taken a break, you're struggling to figure out how to find your voice again.


Let's face it, making time for this part of yourself is trickier than you thought. It's complicated. And when you do sing, it feels different. A little rusty.

Harder. Not like before.

And maybe you worry that you'll never get it back.

At this point, you may be thinking,


"There's got to be a better way."


A way to rediscover your voice.

A way to set down the baggage you've been carrying and reimagine a better way to relate to your instrument. 

A way to reignite the flame.



There is a way to return to your love of singing.


Without working hard.


You can connect to your voice in a way that feels easeful, gentle, safe and supported.


Your dream of singing freely is waiting.


Imagine what it will feel like when:

  • You are singing again with the ease and joy you've been been longing for.
  • You feel confidant in your abilities.
  • You've released shame and other yucky feelings that have clouded your experience up until now.
  • You are in a regular routine that feels nourishing, restorative and essential. 
  • You have a clear path forward to connecting with your voice in a way that feels easy.


Reconnecting to your voice is easier than you think and vital to your overall wellbeing. Your ability to express yourself is what makes you "YOU".


Christina Benevento, singer, owner of Full Circle

"Thank you, Erin, for helping me find my voice!"

Hey there, I'm Erin!


As a former Broadway singer/actress I know the ups and downs this journey can take. It's complicated.

I've been in your shoes. After my Dad died I couldn't sing for two years.

I created this course from that experience of struggling to find my voice again.

I'm here to uncomplicate that journey for you

Let's get you singing again. Let's get you feeling free, authentic and confident in how you sing, communicate, and creatively express yourself.


A 7 day mini course designed to jumpstart your singing practice and get you feeling free in your voice.

I'm ready!

Let's take a sneak peak into the 7 Day Journey!

Daily Journal Prompts

Daily Warmups

Daily Meditations

When you join Vocal Reconnect, you get immediate access to:


✓ 3 Rotating *GO AT YOUR OWN PACE* 15 minute Video Warmups where I share my favorite SOVT warmups, the ones that have brought me the most success with my students and with my own voice. These warmups will guide you gently though the process of connecting to your voice and getting you back on track.


âś“ 4 Rotating Meditations designed to anchor you into the present moment, connect you to your body and align you with your true voice so that the inner critic takes a back seat.


✓ 7 sets of daily journal prompts geared towards exploring and getting to the bottom of what your voice means to you, that help you set down any baggage you might be carrying and get to the bottom of your big why.

In addition to the daily Vocal Warmups, Guided Meditations and Journal Prompts you will receive:

  • 'How to Find Songs' Guide
  • 7 Day Journal Booklet
  • 'How to be Your Own Teacher' Guide
  • 'How to' SOVT Instructional Video
  • Habit Tracker

Plus enroll now and get access to these exclusive bonuses!

Bonus Vocal Warmup on Breathing

This Bonus Vocal Warmup will be focused on all things related to Breathing. It will help to get you connected to your support and taking those low, calm breaths we need for singing. 

Vocal Problem Solving Guide

This guide is meant to get you started with issues you may begin to notice as you reconnect to your voice throughout this week and beyond. It's filled with ideas to free you from problems you notice arising during the week related to tension.

Joann Kim 

Singer, Fashion Developer & Project Manager

"The relationship I have built with my body and voice as supported by Erin is something I hope everyone can experience!"

Let's get started!


The "Get Your Voice Up and Running" Guarantee 

I know that investing in yourself is a big decision. I’m also fully confident that the value this program will bring to your singing far outweighs the investment you will make today. Because I want to make sure you feel as confident with your decision as I do, I’m offering you a no-risk guarantee. If you go through Vocal Reconnect in its entirety in its 7 day period, apply and take action on all of the teachings, and you're still not satisfied at the end of the week, I will give you a full refund. That’s right, I’ll give you your money back if this program doesn’t work for you. All you have to do is show me that you completed all of the journal assignments, did all of the vocal warmups, and listened to the meditations and I’ll immediately refund you, no questions asked.

All Your Questions, Answered!


Let's Get Started!